Blah blah blah blah blah well written writeup and such. My job snagged Metro about a year into my time there. So I worked on Metro. Mostly social, mostly memes. It was fun to write a bunch of work that got killed at different stages, and also end up on a meme that has like a trillion views that upset agency leadership because of the blurred lines between creatives and on-cam talent. I just want to make people laugh online, IS THAT SO BAD??*

*I’m not really this flippant and jaded, it's just an attempt to be silly and loosely fit within the broader concept of the Nada Yada Yada campaign.

60m - I’ve been stopped on the street.

(momma I’m famous)

30m - This one hit pretty good, too.


Fuck a view count - where’s my Gallagher heads at?

(one for them, one for me)

Basically ripped off Tim & Eric.

(they say the best form of flattery durrrrrrrrrr)

teach me how to dougie?

btw Rach AD’d the shite outta all this stuff.

Legal was hesitant to approve.

[not pictured: all the little snarky/quippy/shitty social copy that nobody cares about but is actually very important to brand voice imho]